4740 14th street, Suite T3, Plano, TX 75074

Plano, TX 75074 - Collin County

(214) 556-6651

About Us:

MIU Medical Billing provides customized end-to-end revenue cycle solutions to streamline reimbursements for healthcare practices. Our experienced team uses analytics and expertise to maximize revenue and improve financial outcomes for clients. As your trusted advisor, we handle the entire process from charge capture to payment posting. Our certified coders optimize assignments using the latest guidelines. With electronic submission and relentless follow-up, we achieve over 90% first-time claim acceptance. We appeal improper denials and provide transparent analytics.


About Miu Medical Billing:

MIU Medical Billing provides customized end-to-end revenue cycle solutions to streamline reimbursements for healthcare practices. Our experienced team uses analytics and expertise to maximize revenue and improve financial outcomes for clients. As your trusted advisor, we handle the entire process from charge capture to payment posting. Our certified coders optimize assignments using the latest guidelines. With electronic submission and relentless follow-up, we achieve over 90% first-time claim acceptance. We appeal improper denials and provide transparent analytics.

Categories: Medical Billing Services and Medical Claims Processing & Assistance

Services: provider credentialing , Denial Management, Medical Billing, Medical Coding, Analytics and Reporting, clearing house, Revenue Cycle Management, Hospital Billing, Practice Management

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